National Homeownership Day is a celebration that highlights the significance of owning a home, fostering stability, and creating a sense of belonging within communities. As we celebrate this milestone, let's take a moment to recognize the invaluable contribution that Public Housing Authorities (PHA) make by contributing to the accessibility of affordable housing options for individuals and families who may face economic challenges. These authorities work tirelessly to develop and maintain public housing initiatives, creating opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds to secure a place they can call home. Their invaluable contribution goes beyond providing shelter; it extends to promoting community development, enhancing the quality of life for residents, and fostering a sense of pride and stability.
We are proud to stand alongside numerous PHAs, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs). Through strategic initiatives and collaborations, these entities play a vital role in creating opportunities and fostering thriving communities. Their substantial contributions are instrumental in creating equitable housing opportunities that make homeownership possible for so many.
With over 80 years of combined experience, our Berman Hopkins Public Housing Authority (PHA) Group works with PHAs to ensure compliance with fair housing laws and regulations related to their federal funding. We work to further the missions of our Public Housing Authority clients in many ways. Our strategic plan focuses on proactive, prompt, and personal service. Annually, our firm audits approximately 30 public housing authorities, 30 Multifamily HUD entities, 15 Low-income Tax Credit Entities, and 25 other PHA-related entities, including various component units.
Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles
We are thrilled to support the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA). The HACLA has become one of the nation’s largest and leading public housing authorities. Committed to improving residents’ quality of life, HACLA offers a range of programs specifically for low-income, homeless, disabled, children and seniors, including the Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS), Homeless Program, Homeownership Program, HUD-Veteran program, and many more. With an annual budget of over $1 billion, HACLA trusts our team of experts to perform its Annual Financial Audit, Single Audit, numerous separate financial audits, and tax work for component units.
Memphis Housing Authority
Through the efforts of the Memphis Housing Authority (MHA), more than 26,000 low-income families and individuals have been empowered to work toward self-sufficiency. 2020 marked the 85th Anniversary of MHA, and we are proud to support its contributions toward revitalizing the Memphis landscape. As trusted financial auditors, our team is committed to helping the MHA with its Annual Financial and Single Audit.
Tampa Housing Authority
We are proud to support the mission of the Tampa Housing Authority (THA). THA offers housing opportunities to serve the City of Tampa and Hillsborough County residents and assists individuals and families at varying income levels to afford safe, sanitary housing. Additionally, through its work with community partners and organizations, THA offers opportunities to access services, increasing access to education, employment opportunities, and other assistance programs. As trusted financial auditors to THA, we work hard to ensure their operations are transparent and accountable. We perform their Annual Financial Audit, Single Audit, separate financial audits, and tax work for component units.
Here to Help on National Homeownership Day
Here is to the continued collaboration and pursuit of affordable, quality housing for all.
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