Surround Yourself with Assets,
Not Liabilities
With over 80 years of combined experience, the Berman Hopkins Public Housing Authority Group is recognized nationwide for its unique expertise, outstanding leadership, and exceptional quality of work, products, and services in the affordable housing industry. Our strategic plan focuses on proactive, prompt, and personal service.
We support and work to further the missions of our Public Housing Authority clients in many ways. Due to limited personnel resources, most Public Housing Authorities desire the audit process to be more than just issuing financial statements. We believe this as well.
Our team:
Educates, informs and advises clients regarding various program guidelines and changes in rules and regulations as they arise.
Aims to reduce future audit discrepancies or findings by focusing on guidance and best practice strategies.
Develops solutions tailored to meet the needs of entities required to report in compliance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
We trust that our background and experience working with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development makes us the most qualified and cost-effective accounting firm to provide value-added services to your housing authority.
We are licensed and registered as certified public accountants in numerous states and, due to mobility practices, authorized to practice in any state throughout the United States. Annually, our firm audits approximately 30 public housing authorities, 20 Multifamily HUD entities, 15 Low-income Tax Credit Entities and 25 other PHA-related entities, including various component units. Additionally, our peer reviews have consistently met the quality control standards for an accounting and auditing practice established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), and these peer reviews have specifically included an evaluation of our public housing authority engagements. Our last HUD-REAC Quality Control Review found no issues.
Client Experience Guarantee
We perform audits, reviews, and compilations for public housing authorities and entities across the country. Every engagement is unique. Therefore, we will work with your team to complete the projects and compliance measures you need.
Proactive, Prompt, and Personal Service:
Agreed-Upon Procedures
Financial and Compliance Audits
Forensic Services
Grant Closeouts
HUD Consolidated Compliance Audits/Multifamily Submissions
Internal Controls Review
Internal Tenant File Review and Oversight
LIHTC Audits and Tax Filings
PHA Related Not-for-Profit Audits and Tax Filing
RAD Conversion Consulting
REAC Submissions
Experience Reporting in Accordance with:
24 CFR
Financial Data Schedule Presentation Requirements
Federal Clearinghouse Regulations
GASB and FASB Standards
PHA Specific Guidance and Regulations
PIH Notices
REAC Accounting Briefs
Uniform Guidance/Single Audit Guidance
When We Say Experts,
We Mean Experts
We have a dedicated team of professionals that work with Housing Authorities and their instrumentalities full time
and have over 80 years of combined experience.
Below is a list of accredited affiliations and associations
our audit team work with on a regular basis.

Mike Gerber
President & CEO
“The Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) has enjoyed a five year auditing relationship with Berman Hopkins. During this period, our Authority converted our full 18-property portfolio to Project-Based Rental Assistance through HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (RAD). This transition created significant additional complexities, which Berman Hopkins handled efficiently and with great skill. HACA also, during this period, expanded our portfolio of affordable housing properties and continued to serve as a Project-Based contract administrator for HUD in the states of Texas and Arkansas. In short, because of growth to our Authority and changes in our programs, HACA’s books are flexed and challenging. We have found Berman Hopkins to be a strong auditing partner for our Authority. We have high expectations around compliance, and meeting HUD and other auditing standards. Berman Hopkins assembled a strong team of professionals to complete our required audit, and throughout the year worked with our team to discuss the changing housing program landscape. They worked very well with our staff and board of commissioners, and we would recommend them to you unreservedly.”